The Next Day
on LinkedIn Activism
This all doesn’t look any better. In fact, I feel sad.
First of all, I called my insurance company, and they confirmed that they could only help with private diagnosis. I’m now looking for any psychologist that is accepting new people in a reasonable timeframe.
⟵ I can’t self-medicate anymore
Doctor Care Anywhere, a GP app, refused to help me with an emergency prescription. Though a friend of mine told me that I could ask DCA for an open referral to an endocrinologist, and I could then try to ask AXA to find me a doctor. Tho I’m not sure this would help or would be covered.
I’ve booked an appointment with the NHS GP and with a private endocrinologist (they’ve just canceled it and going to refer me to the London Transgender Clinic).
Meanwhile, I’m trying to get any documentation from 56 Dean Street to support my case. I’ve also booked an appointment to talk with another private clinic, Gender GP.