About Salt

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It so happened that I come to Lehi, UT for two days, and colleague of mine said that SaltStack HQ is located just half mile away from Mirantis office. Here I should said, that I used to manage pretty big OpenStack installation using Salt back in Yandex, and right now I'm back to using it in TCPCloud (which was acquired by Mirantis recently). So I decided to come to SaltStack HQ to have a conversation with core people to get the idea which is meant behind all the stuff.
So, Salt is a configuration management tool, which is written with large spectre of possibilities in mind. Basically, it's a core engine that glues big components together and allows components on different servers to communicate, and provides with usual things like host-specific data (grains), bunch of environment settings (pillars), commands which interacts with systems, and states which describe system desired state. Many of this components are replaceable and extendable, like you could collect data from your scripts, or pull configuration from REST API, or generate states from Python.
Salt allows you to do nice things, like to use your pillars and grains and some of Jinja templating to create data-driven infrastructure definition, like install right version of Nginx from right repository depends on environment settings and OS family and version. Like DRY and make a little for loop and iterate over parameters.
The problems, however, starts if somebody has no limits and he's read only the tutorial.
Basically, templating was meant by Salt authors only for what I've listed above. But many of users are trying to write actually a code on Jinja (just because its default rendering engine), even Jinja is most awful templating language to program on it. There are many ways in Salt how to avoid doing heavy templating, like all python stuff was bubbled up to the surface to make writing execution modules and states and everything else easier, at last, even Mako is more suitable for programming (also it's favourite template engine for Salt authors).
That imbalance by overusing one tools and underusing another makes a problem with real-world usage, where system behaviour should be predictable. And there where conception of testing for formulas is coming forth. When I started using Salt for managing large production environment, I was really scared about applying changes, because if you apply all formulas at once on all the fleet, you might lose all your stuff in a minute. It ends up with partial apply, or some manual checking, or even avoidance of making changes in order to keep the system stable. On other side, if all the formulas and variants (Jinja!) will be covered by tests, what about amount of this tests and development velocity? It took me long time to realise that the only two parameters matters: development velocity, and service level objectives, which is bounding factor.
So the idea behind all of extendability of Salt is to make things simple and well understandable. Going out of the balance will make the system not complicated but confusing.
Salt authors does not want to limit users ability to make whatever they want to, and actually it's not working this way (just look on Ansible programming). But I'd really want from Salt users to make reasonable complications, and don't go to extremes, rather looks for another possibilities to make things right and understandable. In sake of stability and velocity.
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